Friday, May 25, 2007

TSA Stands For "The Stupid Assholes"

You Gotta' (Wonder) About These Guys

Friday, May 25, 2007 -
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) may soon occupy a place in the pantheon of government agencies who have demonstrated unequivocally that they cannot shoot, act or think straight, let alone carry out more than a semblance of the responsibilities for which America's august legislators have tasked them. From the Associated Press comes word that TSA has lost a hard drive for 100,000 employees from a supposedly controlled area of its headquarters. They report:"TSA Administrator Kip Hawley sent a letter to employees Friday apologizing for the lost data and promising to pay for one year of credit monitoring services."The TSA fumble follows in the footsteps of several other agencies who have misplaced personal data for literally millions of individuals.TSA is responsible for overseeing the security of passengers at the nation's airports. An incident in January at Washington State's Sea -Tac International perhaps speaks to the quality of service which one can expect. Alongside a lengthy line of passengers awaiting the obligatory take-off-your-shoes-and belts, empty-your-pockets routine, a screener called out to a Free Market News employee:"You don't got no water in that bottle do you?"

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