You Only Have One Choice... Choose Wisely.
I’ve been on a crash course in economics and our monetary and banking systems. It was Don’t Tread On Me and sites like it as well as some very close friends that finally got my attention as to the current and truly woeful state of affairs in this country. The saying where “once I was blind,but now I see” has never been more true for me now that I GET IT! The kicker for me was in coming to the conclusion that I really had no choice but to 1) invest heavily in precious metals (first silver,and now in gold),and 2) take active measures to protect myself and my family should the SHTF (prepping). When I methodically looked at all my options,here is the logic train that helped me come to that inescapable conclusion: In the end,we as individuals and families really have only six different options regarding our future economic survival,and indeed,perhaps for the preservation of our very lives.

Option #3:“OK,I really do believe things are going to get worse,but if the SHTF,I’ll still be able to provide for my family… won’t I? I mean c’mon…how bad can it really get?” This viewpoint says that you basically trust that:our monetary system will remain largely intact and your dollar will still buy roughly what it can today,the markets won’t fail,your savings and 401K’s will survive,the (electric) grid won’t fail,commerce won’t fail or be drastically affected,gas will still be readily available,your bank will remain open for business,your job will still be there and need you,Wal-Mart will still be there and the shelves full,and so forth. This viewpoint essentially says you have not truly considered how horrible it would be to look into your child’s eyes and explain why there is no food in the house. Or how hard it would be to tell your wife/husband that all your savings are gone and you have no way to provide now. The Bible (yes,I believe in God’s word) says:“if anyone does not provide for his own,and especially for those of his household,he… is worse than an unbeliever” (1 Timothy 5:8). I don’t know about you,but I am going to provide for my own household. I am not willing to trust in a devaluing dollar,or any other government plan,agency,or handout,nor can I believe that the current world system is going to heal itself somehow.
Option #4:“OK,I believe things are going to get worse,but as a Christian,I believe the Lord is going to come back before it gets too bad in this country”. Really? How can you be so sure? I am a staunch believer,but I also know what the Old Testament reminds us about God’s chosen people suffering right along with the unbelievers of their day. There were at least 3 horrible times when God allowed his believers to be carried off into captivity right along with the unbelievers. This happened in large part because of the horribly sinful leadership,who led their country and people into many of the same practices we’re seeing in this country do today. So the believers were carted off to Assyria and then later twice to Babylon. The old were slaughtered as were the babies and pregnant women. Young men and women sold off into slavery or worse and families were separated forever. So what makes us so haughty as to believe the Lord will spare us as believers should some future calamity descend on this country when there are Biblical precedents for a similar incident? While I believe the Lord will return for His church,it’s going to be in His timing…not ours. I’m a student of Bible prophecy,and I can’t find a single (even veiled) reference to the United States in Revelation or any book of Scripture that refers to the end times. How else would you expect a nasty fellow like the Antichrist to so easily come to power other than the scary possibility that our country does not exist as a world power anymore by his time? In the end,God’s given us wisdom… the brains to see ‘the forest for the trees’ so to speak. He expects us to use that wisdom as well as the wealth He’s entrusted to us to protect our families and loved ones. I don’t know about you,but I think I know a little about how Noah must have felt… I know there’s a flood coming,and despite all the ridicule I’m getting about preparing for it,nevertheless,I WILL PREPARE.
Option #5:“If it gets that bad,I don’t want to live in a world like that,so…” Just as in the early days of the Great Depression,when suicide seemed like the only way to some,so it may be the case in the future. We are a society of want it now/need it now people. We have grown fat,dumb,and unhappy. Without the basics of life;Wal-Mart,electricity,NetFlix,running water,satellite TV,the internet,crystal meth,etc.,some unprepared folks out there will have a tough time coping with the “new reality”. But even if I wasn’t a man of faith,this would not be an option for me.
Option #6:“OK,I believe things are going to get worse,SO I’M GOING TO PREPARE! For all the reasons found on this website and hundreds of others like it (and those dealing with the subject of prepping),begin by hedging your financial position with physical silver (in your possession ONLY),then gold as you can. As far as caring for your family downstream – food,water,etc.,will be essential. Even FEMA and many other federal and state organizations are recommending you have a minimum 3-day supply on hand,and many are starting to say you need much more now. If you think 3-5 days is enough,you’re probably doing more than the majority of Americans. But,if you’re reading this treatise,then you probably already have well more than a 3-day supply available. Here are what many think are some of the key elements of successful preparedness:read all you can,study (especially the “old ways”),educate your family,prepare for the worst,store up,expect the unexpected,hedge yourself financially with PM’s,keep ready cash on-hand,keep extra gasoline and water available,become informed,pay no attention to ridicule,pray for your family,don’t trust the media,and don’t rely on the government to protect you or provide for you and yours should the SHTF.
There may be another option or two out there,but this logic led me to conclude there’s really ONLY ONE OPTION… PREPARE.
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