About a month before the passage of the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” (PPACA), also known as “Obamacare,” then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Cal.) stated at a health summit that, if passed, the health care overhaul would create four million jobs over the course of “it’s life,” and 400,000 jobs “almost immediately.” Now that it has been nearly a year and a half since she made those statements, where exactly are those 400,000 new jobs?

So when exactly were those 400,000 jobs supposed to be created? As far as we here at NaturalNews can tell, no such jobs were ever “almost immediately” created. Perhaps “almost immediately” means several years down the road? It is difficult to say, as Pelosi apparently made such inane statements in order to push for the bill’s passage, not because they were actually true.
It is interesting, though, that Pelosi actually asserted that the universal health care bill was not entirely even about health, but also about “jobs,” not only in the health care industry, but also in the “entrepreneurial world,” as she went on to say. Somehow giving government control over health care helps to boost the entrepreneurial spirit, in Pelosi’s imagination.
One thing is for sure, though. “Immediately” after Pelosi made the statements about creating new jobs, the U-6 unemployment rate, which measures individuals that are unemployed as well as those that are underemployed, actually increased for the next two months, followed by a small decrease and another subsequent increase (http://portalseven.com/employment/unemployment_rate_u6.jsp).
So once again instead of getting the truth from those in our government, we were fed lies about “new jobs” in order to build momentum for a political agenda. Will Pelosi be held responsible for her dishonest commentary regarding the supposed jobs that would be created by Obamacare? Likely not. And do most people even still remember that she said them? Again, likely not.
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