By: Hal Turner
North Bergen, NJ -- As a radio talk show host, I receive a whole slew of e-mail and regular mail about virtually every issue under the sun. Much of it gets deleted or thrown away. Some of it results in stories appearing on my web site or being discussed on my show. Every once in awhile, something akin to a bombshell arrives and yesterday, July 18, 2007 was one such day.I came into possession of portions of a U.S. military plan which was allegedly classified "Top Secret." This put me in a bind because without having a security clearance myself, having something which is Classified is unlawful. Reading such a document is also unlawful and revealing it to the public is definietly unlawful. So, I thought about it. I decided screw it, I'm going to read it.As I read the document, my blood ran cold. Chills ran up my spine. The hair on the back of my neck stood up. My gut started churning. This document is an operational plan to use U.S. military troops against U.S. Citizens!The plan says "A perceived serious potential of dissident American groups rising up against constituted authority has been clearly identified by counter-intelligence agencies.[Underlining mine]The plan goes on to say why people are clearly thinking of rising up and throwing-off our federal government by saying "The stated cause for such an uprising appear to be growing dissatisfaction with the course and conduct of the war in Iraq, the chronic inability of Congress to deal with various pressing issues and the perception of widespread corruption and indifference to public needs."Sounds accurate to me. In fact, it describes perfectly reasonable justification for the America people to utilize our original right of self-defense against such a government or for us to impose reform!Most stunning about the plan is that it talks about political reform and offers an unbelievably out-of-touch, completely un-American observation: "Reform may be necessary, but reform is a matter for the state . . . . ."A matter for the state? We The People ARE the state. We The People decide on reform. For this U.S. military plan to assert "Reform may be necessary, but reform is a matter for the state" is like reading something out of the old Soviet Union! What planet are these people on?The truly chilling parts of this plan involve the use of "Informant nets" of Americans literally spying on their fellow citizens and "Block Control" where the plan calls for "trusted resident reports on the activities of people in their neighborhoods." Folks, this is what Fidel Castro does in Communist Cuba!As you read the details below, remember this: This plan has been drawn up by OUR military. The military WE hired, WE train, WE equip, WE feed, WE clothe, WE house. It is an OUTRAGE that anyone in our military would DARE to even create such plan, nevermind try to implement it!
A Blunt warning to our Government and our Military:
In our nation of 300 million people, there are at least 95 million lawful gun owners. Those 95 million guns owners lawfully possess 212 million firearms. Even if the government recalled ALL military members from around the entire world, they would have a force of only about two million. 95 million gun owners versus 2 million troops. I think we all know how this would turn out: the government would be slaughtered.In fact, if only ten percent of the 95 million gun owners had guts enough to fight, we would still outnumber the military almost 3:1.We The People of the United States aren't the least bit worried about government tanks and planes, those tools are useless in guerilla warfare. Want proof? Iraq! The U.S. government is getting its ass kicked over there. Government wouldn't last a week if they tried implenting this plan here.Government would do well to remember they exist at the whim and behest of the American people. Government in this land exists to serve us as we direct.The power government wields belongs to The People. We The People merely LEND part of our power to government and we have the absolute right to take that power back at any time we deem appropriate. In fact, the founding fathers made clear we can take it back in any MANNER we deem appropriate! That's why they gave us the Second Amendment!If the U.S. government or military dares attempt to implement this plan, they should expect to be killed.
----------------- PRECIS OF THE PLAN ---------------------Classification: Top Secret-Noforn as of 1 June 2007 Distribution Restriction: Distribution authorized to the DOD and DOD contractors only to maintain operations security. This determination was made on 1 June 2007. Other requests for this document must be referred to (redacted)Destruction Notice: Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. .This publication uses the term insurgent to describe those taking part in any activity designed to undermine or to overthrow the established authoritiesCounterinsurgency is those military, paramilitary, political, economic, psychological, and civicactions taken by a government to defeat insurgency (JP 1-02). It is an offensive approach involving all elements of national power; it can take place across the range of operations and spectrum of conflictIn dealing with the local populace, the primary aims must be to:·Protect the population.·Establish local political institutions.·Reinforce local governments.·Eliminate insurgent capabilities.·Exploit information from local sources.An insurgency is organized movement aimed at the overthrow of a constituted government through use of subversion and armed conflict (JP 1-02). It is a protracted politico-military struggle designed to weaken government control and legitimacy while increasing insurgent control. Political power is the central issue in an insurgency.An insurgent organization normally consists of four elements:Leadership.Combatants (main forces, regional forces, local forces).Cadre (local political leaders that are also called the militants).Mass base (the bulk of the membership)."REX 84" "FEMA concentration camps", already established, constructed and manned inside the United States, to be utilized to house "insurgents" who are rounded-up by government.
When I read the document, I knew that I could be criminally prosecuted for having it, prosecuted on a separate charge for reading it and prosecuted yet again for releasing information contained within it.I decided that the threat to Liberty posed by the document made it imperative that I take action and I have done so. Now, all of you know!I also realized that in order for the U.S. Government to prosecute me, the document would have to be authentic. They would have to admit the Document is authentic and actually Classified in order to bring any prosecution.Since such an admission would prove me right and be an ominous warning to all of you that real trouble is here, I suspect I am safe from any reprisals for the time being. It's a gamble with enormous consequences, but saving our Republic from a tyrannical government is worth my risk.It is clear to me that very serious things are on the horizon here in America. It will be up to us, citizen-patriots, to step up to defend our liberty. I am ready. Are you?-- Hal Turnerhttp://www.HalTurnerShow.com
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