Friday, May 18, 2007

Another Step Taken Folks

Whether you want to believe it or not, we took another step towards the edge. The Immigration Amnesty Bill which will sail throw Congress with only minimal debate (think about it folks, they've spent more time debating the anti-trust fears of an XM/Sirius Satellite radio merger!) is another brick in the wall for our descent into 2nd tier nation status.

The endless wave of illegal immigrants that now have literally thousands of reasons to cross our border will put strains on US resources like no other. They will all file for benefits and entitlements galore while screaming for even more financial support. Don't forget that Congress has already voted to give them social security benefits. (a little horse before the cart there, but they knew what was coming). Yup, the same social security system they're warning us will go "boom" is going to have 100 million more people sucking off it's teat.

Funny that we've outsourced almost half America's IT jobs and nearly 90% of America's manufacturering jobs (a lot of them to Mexico!) and yet they want to come up here and work our service industry jobs. Not for the stellar pay, but for unemployment and social security benefits. Funny that no one in the media ever asks why can't the government of Mexico take advantage of all these hard-working natives in their own country? I digress.

It's all working in slow motion, but make no mistake that our course has been charted:

Put America under an increasingly growing financial strain-(export high paying jobs, import low paid workers, increase draw on government programs, add taxes to already heavily burdened taxpayers etc, etc)

Close the door for smart Americans to get out with their money when it all goes downhill - (see everything Carl "Fuckface" Levin has done since the Dems won control of the Senate)

Set A Financial Firestorm In Progress - (Print Money Like It's Going Out Of Style, see M3 Money Supply........oop! You can't now, can you?)

Have plans in place for ultimate goal - (See North American Union)

Relegate America to a 2nd Tier Nation with a struggling economy shredded by NAFTA, CAFTA and hundreds of other pieces of legislation meant to eviscerate the USA's financial strength.

While "Boobus Americanus" sits back and listens to the golden-throated sooth-sayers tell them it's OK and nothing but good is going to happen as we get "Mexifornicated," we know we're headed down the road to the wrong way.........

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