Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Our lecturer On Democracy Today: Our Friend Vlad

“Of course, I am a pure and absolute democrat,” declared Vladimir Putin in an interview yesterday. “But you know what the problem is -- not a problem, a real tragedy -- that I am alone. There are no such pure democrats in the world. Since Mahatma Gandhi, there has been no one.”
Let’s see… Mahatma Gandhi, small bespectacled guy in a toga, spoke softly, carried a big walking stick. Vladimir Putin, tall, blond Russian, who’s apparently completely insane. Yeah, we can see the resemblance.
“If part of the strategic nuclear potential of the United States finds itself in Europe,” Putin commented on the U.S. plan to put a missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic, “we will have to have new targets in Europe.”
When asked about the Cold War era of hair-trigger confrontation, Putin said, “We are, of course, returning to those times.”
The word “kakistocracy” comes to mind.

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