Immigration Reform Attempt to Impose Stealth National ID?
FMNN commentator and “Downsize DC” founder James Babka has sent out an urgent warning that one of the real reasons the The Border Security and Immigration Reform Act of 2007 is being rushed along is to impose a “stealth” national ID on U.S. citizens. The administration and their backers had hoped for a vote on the bill by Friday of last week. Instead the vote may take place either today (Thursday) or tomorrow (Friday). This could happen, writes Babka, even though the full bill has not been printed yet.The Real ID act is reinforced in the immigration bill in two ways: It provides funding for states that comply and it mandates that all every citizen of the United States must have a Real ID to apply for employment.This is a radical expansion of ambition and implementation. A version of the Real ID bill was passed in 2005; however the mandate was unfunded; the Real ID was only necessary for certain forms of transportation and states have refused to comply. Now proponents of the legislation have decided to expand the Real ID act by making citizens themselves a lobby group. This strategy apparently involves mandating that citizens must have a Real ID in order to work (immigration bill) – as mentioned above – or even to buy a house (a House bill now under consideration). If such measures are passed, the pressure on states to implement the Real ID will rise substantially.Thus, the current bill under consideration could be seen as an apparent attempt to maintain momentum – by stealth - for a “one size fits all” national ID. In opposing the initiative, states have branded it a legislative boondoggle, intrusive, unenforceable and costly. Could a Real ID (national ID) become a hallmark of citizenship? There are those (as has been much commented on in the alternative 'Net press) attempting to create a “North American Union” out of Canada, Mexico and the United States. The ability to extend such a national ID to citizens of other nations – or to meld IDs of several nations – could make such a merger far easier.You can see Babka's FMNN-posted article here:http://www.freemarketnews.com/Analysis/64/7626/ji.asp.asp?wid=64&nid=7626Viewers who want Congress to reject – or at least consider for an appropriate length of time (months, not weeks) - the current immigration bill can use the following address:http://action.downsizedc.org/wyc.php?cid=73In his urgent “alert,” Babka writes that the offending section of the bill – the part that may be considered a “Trojan Horse” implementing a “stealth national ID” is the bill’s “Title III” which will:-Cost every employer in America to pre-screen every worker for every job they're ever offered for the rest of their lives, regardless of the size of the business, or the job. -Require the federal government ALONE to spend at $11.7 billion per year.-Require private business to spend even more.-Demand that every American get and produce a Real ID license for employment - no exceptions. -Reverse America’s “innocent until proven guilty” presumption of law by forcing citizens to prove they are innocent of wrongdoing via a “Real ID” card.Babka writes that, “Under REAL ID deadbeat Moms and Dads, drunk drivers, jaywalkers, and anybody else who does anything wrong at any time, can be punished simply and quickly, without prison, and perhaps without trial, simply by turning them into a non-person in terms of the required employment background check. Let's say you don't ever do anything wrong, but you still end up with a black mark next to your name anyway, just like what has happened to people with the terrorist watch list? How long will it take, and how much will it cost, to get your name cleared? And what if you can't get your name cleared, simply because of bureaucratic inefficiency, like with the terrorist watch list? Will you starve because you can't get a job? And what about your family? Your kids?“Meanwhile, under these provisions, the black market gets a further government "price support" for fake IDs. Anything can be faked. If a thing can be made by government it can be forged by criminals. This includes birth certificates and other documents required to obtain a so-called REAL ID. Politicians who talk about tamper proof ID cards are idiots babbling nonsense. “But it gets worse. The federal government is trying to box in the states that have rejected the REAL ID program by making all of the citizens of those states effectively illegal persons! Plus, new federal funding for state programs will only be given to states that comply with REAL ID. The Feds are trying to both bribe and coerce the states into complying. What's worse, most of the Senate may not even realize these provisions are in the immigration bill, or what their impact would be. The bill is huge, and complicated. As of this writing it hasn't even been printed yet, and it's very unlikely the Senators will even read the bill before they pass it into law. And he adds, “You've been warned. If you want to heed the warning please send a message to both the House and Senate telling them to strip out all REAL ID related provisions from any immigration bill they are considering.“You can do so here:http://action.downsizedc.org/wyc.php?cid=73 Staff Reports - Free-Market News Network
FMNN commentator and “Downsize DC” founder James Babka has sent out an urgent warning that one of the real reasons the The Border Security and Immigration Reform Act of 2007 is being rushed along is to impose a “stealth” national ID on U.S. citizens. The administration and their backers had hoped for a vote on the bill by Friday of last week. Instead the vote may take place either today (Thursday) or tomorrow (Friday). This could happen, writes Babka, even though the full bill has not been printed yet.The Real ID act is reinforced in the immigration bill in two ways: It provides funding for states that comply and it mandates that all every citizen of the United States must have a Real ID to apply for employment.This is a radical expansion of ambition and implementation. A version of the Real ID bill was passed in 2005; however the mandate was unfunded; the Real ID was only necessary for certain forms of transportation and states have refused to comply. Now proponents of the legislation have decided to expand the Real ID act by making citizens themselves a lobby group. This strategy apparently involves mandating that citizens must have a Real ID in order to work (immigration bill) – as mentioned above – or even to buy a house (a House bill now under consideration). If such measures are passed, the pressure on states to implement the Real ID will rise substantially.Thus, the current bill under consideration could be seen as an apparent attempt to maintain momentum – by stealth - for a “one size fits all” national ID. In opposing the initiative, states have branded it a legislative boondoggle, intrusive, unenforceable and costly. Could a Real ID (national ID) become a hallmark of citizenship? There are those (as has been much commented on in the alternative 'Net press) attempting to create a “North American Union” out of Canada, Mexico and the United States. The ability to extend such a national ID to citizens of other nations – or to meld IDs of several nations – could make such a merger far easier.You can see Babka's FMNN-posted article here:http://www.freemarketnews.com/Analysis/64/7626/ji.asp.asp?wid=64&nid=7626Viewers who want Congress to reject – or at least consider for an appropriate length of time (months, not weeks) - the current immigration bill can use the following address:http://action.downsizedc.org/wyc.php?cid=73In his urgent “alert,” Babka writes that the offending section of the bill – the part that may be considered a “Trojan Horse” implementing a “stealth national ID” is the bill’s “Title III” which will:-Cost every employer in America to pre-screen every worker for every job they're ever offered for the rest of their lives, regardless of the size of the business, or the job. -Require the federal government ALONE to spend at $11.7 billion per year.-Require private business to spend even more.-Demand that every American get and produce a Real ID license for employment - no exceptions. -Reverse America’s “innocent until proven guilty” presumption of law by forcing citizens to prove they are innocent of wrongdoing via a “Real ID” card.Babka writes that, “Under REAL ID deadbeat Moms and Dads, drunk drivers, jaywalkers, and anybody else who does anything wrong at any time, can be punished simply and quickly, without prison, and perhaps without trial, simply by turning them into a non-person in terms of the required employment background check. Let's say you don't ever do anything wrong, but you still end up with a black mark next to your name anyway, just like what has happened to people with the terrorist watch list? How long will it take, and how much will it cost, to get your name cleared? And what if you can't get your name cleared, simply because of bureaucratic inefficiency, like with the terrorist watch list? Will you starve because you can't get a job? And what about your family? Your kids?“Meanwhile, under these provisions, the black market gets a further government "price support" for fake IDs. Anything can be faked. If a thing can be made by government it can be forged by criminals. This includes birth certificates and other documents required to obtain a so-called REAL ID. Politicians who talk about tamper proof ID cards are idiots babbling nonsense. “But it gets worse. The federal government is trying to box in the states that have rejected the REAL ID program by making all of the citizens of those states effectively illegal persons! Plus, new federal funding for state programs will only be given to states that comply with REAL ID. The Feds are trying to both bribe and coerce the states into complying. What's worse, most of the Senate may not even realize these provisions are in the immigration bill, or what their impact would be. The bill is huge, and complicated. As of this writing it hasn't even been printed yet, and it's very unlikely the Senators will even read the bill before they pass it into law. And he adds, “You've been warned. If you want to heed the warning please send a message to both the House and Senate telling them to strip out all REAL ID related provisions from any immigration bill they are considering.“You can do so here:http://action.downsizedc.org/wyc.php?cid=73 Staff Reports - Free-Market News Network
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