Monday, June 4, 2007

Ron Paul Remains The Only Real Choice

Ron Paul, Only Honest GOP-er?

Monday, June 04, 2007
Texas Congressman Ron Paul has been getting a lot of press lately, due to a meteoric rise in public perception that he not only has something important to say, but that he might actually be a serious contender for the Republican Party's nomination for President.In a recent reader/publisher exchange in the S&A Report, Porter Stansberry posted a comment from the reader, followed by his own opinion. A subscriber named Marc wrote:"I hope that all of your readers took the time to read Doug Casey's eloquent explanation of how central banks operate. If not, they should go back and make sure they read it. I also want to make your readers aware that presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul is the only politician that even talks about this matter and one of his top priorities is to eliminate the Federal Reserve if he gets elected."Porter's comment - "Ron Paul is the only honest man in Washington." Seconding the motion, one of Paul's Congressional colleagues recently offered the following: "There are few people in public life who, through thick and thin, rain or shine, stick to their principles. Ron Paul is one of those few." Staff Reports - Free-Market News Network

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