Friday, January 18, 2008

Ron Paul Isn't A Media Favorite

The mainstream media detests Ron Paul
Bonnie AlbaRenew America.USFriday January 18, 2008
The liberal mainstream media has single-handedly kept one of the candidates out of the news as much as possible. Fox News gave all kinds of unconvincing excuses for denying Ron Paul the opportunity to participate in their debate. In the end, they lost some regular viewers. Why are the media and even the so-called conservative pundits denying Ron Paul?
Some of you may remember an article I wrote in May 2007, "Ron Paul: GOP's Last Chance?" The responses were mostly from those who support Ron Paul. But there were a few that called him an extremist. He is misunderstood and relatively unknown by the majority of America.
In the ensuing months and primaries, his following has grown among those dissatisfied with the Neo-conservative status quo. Also Americans are disgusted with a Congress which has failed to muster the courage needed to tackle major problems facing our nation. Many citizens are also disgusted with the ideological corner Pres. Bush has pushed us into — a war, first to dispose a dictator; then, to free a people; then to reshape Iraq into a democracy after our image.

If anyone wants to know why the Republican Party is in such disarray and many life-long loyal Republicans are now Independents, the clues are above.
What kind of man are Americans looking for to lead the United States? Someone who is truly a Conservative? Someone who has the integrity and the courage to face the peril and danger of our nation's decline in all areas?
Who among the GOP candidates fits that description? Only one: Ron Paul.
His integrity is well known amongst all his colleagues, friends or enemies, and he is respected for his constitutional stands even if they disagree.
There is no doubt that if a Nobel Prize was awarded for Conservatism and standing on the Constitution, Ron Paul would receive that award unanimously.
What's wrong with the other GOP candidates? All of them have failed the conservative-constitutional test in one way or another:
Romney — Flips and flops, which says — easily persuaded — need I say more?
Huckabee — "...we need to help ...," sounds more like a socialist liberal everyday..
McCain — His motto, "I stand on my record." His standing declined when he joined the Bush Gang's attempt to push through an atrocious Illegal Immigration-Amnesty Bill. He has bought into the Bush empiric neo-ideology.
Giuliani — Still repeats the refrain — "As mayor of NYC, I (fill in the blank)."
Thompson — Missing in action. When he is heard, sounds conservative. Getting in the game this late may not give the people enough time to decide for or against.
All the above would give us more of the same constitutional bending we've seen for the last 90 years. The Oath of Office no longer has any meaning to those who recite the words.
Despite the fact that Paul won over Giuliani in Michigan, not a mention of it from so-called conservative talkshow hosts Rush Limbaugh and others, nor in the news I regularly read. Unacceptable to this conservative.
I do not agree with Rush Limbaugh who promotes the economy as if it's never been better. I am not blind to the heavy clouds that are hanging over the American climate. I also see the loss of our once-strong industrial-manufacturing base which had much to do with how strong we remained as a nation. Not anymore. With the loss of our base, our strength has disappeared. And don't even ask about America's National Personal Debt.
I wonder how a conservative can fail to recognize a conservative when they meet one; especially a constitutional conservative.
You would think the liberal media would be "for Ron Paul" as he's the only candidate who wants to pull our military out of Iraq. And, they're certainly for that move, but for the wrong reasons.
As we approach the all-important November election, I would recommend you reflect on what you want for this country. Right now it doesn't matter which party holds the power in the White House or Congress. They have consistently rejected their constitutional oaths and promoted ideological policies beyond the scope of governing constitutional law and principles. The results are damaging our country and give us nothing but an uncertain future as a nation.
Liberal and so-called conservative media, would do well to read up on their history. They may hate what Ron Paul stands for, but the principles he stands on are the very principles that give them the Freedom of the Press.

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