Corsi: Bush could elect Hillary
Says GOP risks loss by ridiculing questions about 'North American Union'
Posted: September 22, 20071:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com-->© 2007 WorldNetDaily.com
Jerome CorsiSpeaking yesterday in St. Louis at Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Council meeting, WND staff reporter Jerome Corsi predicted the Republican Party risks losing the 2008 presidential election and two-thirds of the House and the Senate if President Bush continues to ridicule questions about a possible North American Union as "conspiracy theories" while continuing to press an active integration with Mexico and Canada in the remaining months of his second term.
Calling Karl Rove the architect not only of the Republican electoral victory in 2004 but also of the Republican electoral defeat in 2006, Corsi told the group the main issue was immigration.
"Yes, the war in Iraq was an issue in 2006," Corsi acknowledged, "but even Richard Nixon won a landslide in 1972 despite the growing unpopularity of the Vietnam War. The Democrats will lose any time they run a far-left anti-war electoral campaign."
C-span's Book-TV recorded Corsi's presentation for later broadcast.
Corsi asserted in 2006 "grassroots Americans voted against open borders and illegal immigration, whether Karl Rove or the Republican National Party want to admit it, or not."
"Every time President Bush pushes to have Mexican trucks cross our borders, the American grassroots feel betrayed," Corsi told the group.
"George Bush can put Hillary Clinton in the White House," Corsi said, "and all he has to do is keep ridiculing the idea of a North American Union or NAFTA superhighways, instead of answering the question directly."
(Story continues below)
Corsi contended the Bush administration is not listening to the American people, "not even when the House and the Senate vote overwhelmingly in bi-partisan majorities to take the funds for the Mexican trucking demonstration project as a last ditch effort to stop the Department of Transportation from letting unsafe Mexican trucks from rolling across the borders."
A main thesis of Corsi's current WND-published New York Times bestselling book, "The Late Great USA: The Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada," is the Security and Prosperity Partnership has created a bureaucratic trilateral working group structure that is creating the infrastructure for a European Union-style North American Union and the construction of a NAFTA superhighway network.
"We are six years into the war on terror, yet President Bush has still failed to secure our borders with Mexico and Canada. Why is that?" Corsi asked. "The American public demands an explanation, especially when Hezbollah terrorists who bought their way into the U.S. by bribing Mexican officials are now in federal prison for sending money back to Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon."
The explanation, Corsi argued, is that Bush opened U.S. borders with Mexico and Canada when he agreed to the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, or SPP, at a summit meeting with Mexico's then-president, Vicente Fox, and Canada's then-prime minister, Paul Martin, at Waco, Texas, March 23, 2005.
"The Bush administration admits there are 12 million illegal immigrants living in the United States," Corsi noted. "The real number is probably 20 million or more. But the question is why is one of every 10 people born in Mexico living in the United States as a Mexican national today?"
By 2010, Corsi said, 20 percent of Mexico's population would be living in the U.S. under the Mexican flag.
"Now there are 47 Mexican consulate offices in the U.S. dedicated to protecting the civil rights of these Mexican citizens living in our country," Corsi told the group. "We have already become a dual country, and I don't remember ever voting to allow that to happen."
Corsi rebutted the argument that the U.S. could not evolve incrementally into a North American Union without the U.S. Constitution being amended.
"In Europe, the intellectual elite and the multi-national corporations who advanced the European integration agenda proceeded by the incremental method," Corsi answered.
"The same is happening here," he explained. "First, President Bush allows our borders to be open and a fait accompli just happens. An increasing proportion of Mexico's population begins living in the United States, without any requirement that they become U.S. citizens, and our elected politicians do nothing to stop it."
"Then President Bush comes to the Senate, now twice, and argues that 12 million illegal immigrants cannot be rounded up and deported," Corsi continued. "The only solution President Bush offers is to pass 'comprehensive immigration reform,' which is nothing more than a code name for an amnesty that one way or another legitimates the illegal aliens remaining here.
"That's how the incremental method is meant to work," Corsi said. "By the time the people get to vote, the fact of North American integration will be already accomplished to the point where a vote will not be sufficient to reverse the fait accompli or to preserve our sovereignty without important compromises on the way to becoming a regional government."
Corsi also addressed the Bush administration attempt to ridicule the idea that new NAFTA superhighway systems are being built, with the plan to import millions of containers from China into the U.S. through Mexican ports, with Mexican dock workers, Mexican truck drivers and Mexican train workers being used to reduce the costs of transporting the containers into the U.S. heartland.
"President Bush can ridicule and call names all he wants," Corsi said, "but dozens of government websites document the effort of the Bush administration to advance public-private partnerships where foreign investment concerns build and operate new toll roads in the United States."
Corsi point out that just by going to websites such as KeepTexasMoving.com anyone can navigate to the Trans-Texas Corridor and see the Texas Department of Transportation documenting the new four-football-fields wide superhighway that Cintra, an investment consortium in Spain, plans to build parallel to Interstate 35.
"Already the investment bankers are talking to Oklahoma," Corsi pointed out, "trying to convince the state politicians to offer the billions Cintra is offering to extend TTC-35 north. What's Oklahoma going to do? Just let the four-football-fields TTC-35 superhighway end at the Oklahoma border? I don't think so."
Corsi also noted the general counsel of the Federal Highway Administration wrote letters threatening to withdraw federal highway funds from Texas if the Texas legislature should succeed in voting a stop to the TTC project.
"With that type of heavy-arm pressure being placed on Texas," Corsi asked, "can anyone reasonably doubt that the Bush administration is as determined to see the TTC project be built as they are to see Mexican trucks cross the border before Bush has to leave office?"
Corsi asserted that in 2008, Republican Party candidates are going to have to distance themselves from President Bush, promising to secure the nation's borders and oppose any move to establish a North American Union or to build NAFTA superhighways.
"Simply denying that North American integration has occurred, as a below-the-radar-strategy, will not be credible enough to win," he said.
"Truly, the Democratic Party candidates are no more direct or reassuring on these issues," Corsi admitted. "Democrats are conflicted on these issues, many openly supporting illegal immigrants in the view that the Democratic Party can guarantee decades of electoral success simply by championing illegal immigrants as the next generation of downtrodden who will look to Democrats for social welfare benefits and generous opportunities to achieve citizenship."
The problem, Corsi said, is that grassroots American voters, "even in the red states are angry at Bush over these issues."
"Unless Republican candidates in 2008 address issues of border security, globalism, the North American Union and NAFTA superhighway directly, people are going to vote against Republicans, even if they regret having to vote for Democrats as a consequence," he said.
Posted: September 22, 20071:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com-->© 2007 WorldNetDaily.com
Jerome CorsiSpeaking yesterday in St. Louis at Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Council meeting, WND staff reporter Jerome Corsi predicted the Republican Party risks losing the 2008 presidential election and two-thirds of the House and the Senate if President Bush continues to ridicule questions about a possible North American Union as "conspiracy theories" while continuing to press an active integration with Mexico and Canada in the remaining months of his second term.
Calling Karl Rove the architect not only of the Republican electoral victory in 2004 but also of the Republican electoral defeat in 2006, Corsi told the group the main issue was immigration.
"Yes, the war in Iraq was an issue in 2006," Corsi acknowledged, "but even Richard Nixon won a landslide in 1972 despite the growing unpopularity of the Vietnam War. The Democrats will lose any time they run a far-left anti-war electoral campaign."
C-span's Book-TV recorded Corsi's presentation for later broadcast.
Corsi asserted in 2006 "grassroots Americans voted against open borders and illegal immigration, whether Karl Rove or the Republican National Party want to admit it, or not."
"Every time President Bush pushes to have Mexican trucks cross our borders, the American grassroots feel betrayed," Corsi told the group.
"George Bush can put Hillary Clinton in the White House," Corsi said, "and all he has to do is keep ridiculing the idea of a North American Union or NAFTA superhighways, instead of answering the question directly."
(Story continues below)
Corsi contended the Bush administration is not listening to the American people, "not even when the House and the Senate vote overwhelmingly in bi-partisan majorities to take the funds for the Mexican trucking demonstration project as a last ditch effort to stop the Department of Transportation from letting unsafe Mexican trucks from rolling across the borders."
A main thesis of Corsi's current WND-published New York Times bestselling book, "The Late Great USA: The Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada," is the Security and Prosperity Partnership has created a bureaucratic trilateral working group structure that is creating the infrastructure for a European Union-style North American Union and the construction of a NAFTA superhighway network.
"We are six years into the war on terror, yet President Bush has still failed to secure our borders with Mexico and Canada. Why is that?" Corsi asked. "The American public demands an explanation, especially when Hezbollah terrorists who bought their way into the U.S. by bribing Mexican officials are now in federal prison for sending money back to Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon."
The explanation, Corsi argued, is that Bush opened U.S. borders with Mexico and Canada when he agreed to the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, or SPP, at a summit meeting with Mexico's then-president, Vicente Fox, and Canada's then-prime minister, Paul Martin, at Waco, Texas, March 23, 2005.
"The Bush administration admits there are 12 million illegal immigrants living in the United States," Corsi noted. "The real number is probably 20 million or more. But the question is why is one of every 10 people born in Mexico living in the United States as a Mexican national today?"
By 2010, Corsi said, 20 percent of Mexico's population would be living in the U.S. under the Mexican flag.
"Now there are 47 Mexican consulate offices in the U.S. dedicated to protecting the civil rights of these Mexican citizens living in our country," Corsi told the group. "We have already become a dual country, and I don't remember ever voting to allow that to happen."
Corsi rebutted the argument that the U.S. could not evolve incrementally into a North American Union without the U.S. Constitution being amended.
"In Europe, the intellectual elite and the multi-national corporations who advanced the European integration agenda proceeded by the incremental method," Corsi answered.
"The same is happening here," he explained. "First, President Bush allows our borders to be open and a fait accompli just happens. An increasing proportion of Mexico's population begins living in the United States, without any requirement that they become U.S. citizens, and our elected politicians do nothing to stop it."
"Then President Bush comes to the Senate, now twice, and argues that 12 million illegal immigrants cannot be rounded up and deported," Corsi continued. "The only solution President Bush offers is to pass 'comprehensive immigration reform,' which is nothing more than a code name for an amnesty that one way or another legitimates the illegal aliens remaining here.
"That's how the incremental method is meant to work," Corsi said. "By the time the people get to vote, the fact of North American integration will be already accomplished to the point where a vote will not be sufficient to reverse the fait accompli or to preserve our sovereignty without important compromises on the way to becoming a regional government."
Corsi also addressed the Bush administration attempt to ridicule the idea that new NAFTA superhighway systems are being built, with the plan to import millions of containers from China into the U.S. through Mexican ports, with Mexican dock workers, Mexican truck drivers and Mexican train workers being used to reduce the costs of transporting the containers into the U.S. heartland.
"President Bush can ridicule and call names all he wants," Corsi said, "but dozens of government websites document the effort of the Bush administration to advance public-private partnerships where foreign investment concerns build and operate new toll roads in the United States."
Corsi point out that just by going to websites such as KeepTexasMoving.com anyone can navigate to the Trans-Texas Corridor and see the Texas Department of Transportation documenting the new four-football-fields wide superhighway that Cintra, an investment consortium in Spain, plans to build parallel to Interstate 35.
"Already the investment bankers are talking to Oklahoma," Corsi pointed out, "trying to convince the state politicians to offer the billions Cintra is offering to extend TTC-35 north. What's Oklahoma going to do? Just let the four-football-fields TTC-35 superhighway end at the Oklahoma border? I don't think so."
Corsi also noted the general counsel of the Federal Highway Administration wrote letters threatening to withdraw federal highway funds from Texas if the Texas legislature should succeed in voting a stop to the TTC project.
"With that type of heavy-arm pressure being placed on Texas," Corsi asked, "can anyone reasonably doubt that the Bush administration is as determined to see the TTC project be built as they are to see Mexican trucks cross the border before Bush has to leave office?"
Corsi asserted that in 2008, Republican Party candidates are going to have to distance themselves from President Bush, promising to secure the nation's borders and oppose any move to establish a North American Union or to build NAFTA superhighways.
"Simply denying that North American integration has occurred, as a below-the-radar-strategy, will not be credible enough to win," he said.
"Truly, the Democratic Party candidates are no more direct or reassuring on these issues," Corsi admitted. "Democrats are conflicted on these issues, many openly supporting illegal immigrants in the view that the Democratic Party can guarantee decades of electoral success simply by championing illegal immigrants as the next generation of downtrodden who will look to Democrats for social welfare benefits and generous opportunities to achieve citizenship."
The problem, Corsi said, is that grassroots American voters, "even in the red states are angry at Bush over these issues."
"Unless Republican candidates in 2008 address issues of border security, globalism, the North American Union and NAFTA superhighway directly, people are going to vote against Republicans, even if they regret having to vote for Democrats as a consequence," he said.
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