Fox News Hack Plays Class Warfare Card
Kurt Nimmo Wednesday September 19, 2007
According to Fox News “commentator” Neil Cavuto, the Democrats have an “under the current hatred of wealthy people,” as supposedly exemplified by Hillarycare and the tax increases proposed to pay for it.
In fact, the Democrats are “wealthy people,” or are rather fronted by wealthy people, that is to say mega-wealthy transnational corporations and the traditional elite class, and Cavuto is simply doing his job over at Fox News, dusting off the class warfare card. Cavuto pretends to fret over the fate of the “investment class,” as Bob Novak deems the loan sharks and fire sale specialists on Wall Street. Of course, as we know, the “investment class” does not pay taxes, those are reserved for the little people, including the $200,000 per year little people, that is if they are not smart enough to hire the right tax accounts and lawyers, although the average Fox News gazer is not intelligent enough to realize this.
Once again, we are presented with smoke and mirrors, with “conservatives” griping about a new round of taxes, this time supposedly on the “investment class,” as the myth dictates that Republicans are good for business and the Democrats bad. In fact, both parties, actually one party—the property party, as Gore Vidal characterizes it—service the “investment class” and their bosses, the international bankers and the ruling aristocracy behind them, a pernicious clique determined to crash to American economy, already in its death throes, as planned, and “level the playing field,” that is to say destroy America’s middle class and usher in a slave labor plantation based on China’s “economic miracle” model, that it to say corporate feudalism.
In the meantime, it is the job of Neil Cavuto and Fox News to present the illusion that “conservatives” are opposed to Hillarycare and increased taxation, yet another bit of deceptive nonsense playing on the false right-left political paradigm, as Cavuto’s boss, Rupert Murdoch, runs fundraisers for Hillary Clinton, a move “perplexing some political analysts and infuriating some liberals already suspicious of Mrs. Clinton’s centrist positioning,” according to the New York Times.
Naturally, there is no such thing as a “centrist position,” only a position favorable to the ruling elite, a coterie quite adept at using left-right political trickery to fool the easily fooled and blindsided masses, almost effortless stampeded into the voting booths by way of gimcrack slogans and less than worthless promises.
It will be interesting to see what kind of spin Murdoch’s minions put on the latest bad economic news, underscored by Henry Paulson, the US Treasury Secretary, warning “investors” to “brace themselves for a prolonged period of market turmoil,” according to the Times Online. Translation: small time investors will lose their socks as the stock market is “corrected.” Paulson said “financial turbulence” will “extract some penalty from the US economy,” that is to say the little people, the perennial victims of such “corrections,” that is to say shakedowns, will pay a high price, as usual.
As their stocks go south and hyperinflation kicks in—certainly to occur when Helicopter Ben Bernacke, current fed bank cartel mob boss, cuts interest rates—the little guy can take solace as Murdoch’s minions kick around the Democrats, even as a Democrat, proffered by Murdoch, is selected to oversee the destruction of the middle class.
Kurt Nimmo Wednesday September 19, 2007
According to Fox News “commentator” Neil Cavuto, the Democrats have an “under the current hatred of wealthy people,” as supposedly exemplified by Hillarycare and the tax increases proposed to pay for it.
In fact, the Democrats are “wealthy people,” or are rather fronted by wealthy people, that is to say mega-wealthy transnational corporations and the traditional elite class, and Cavuto is simply doing his job over at Fox News, dusting off the class warfare card. Cavuto pretends to fret over the fate of the “investment class,” as Bob Novak deems the loan sharks and fire sale specialists on Wall Street. Of course, as we know, the “investment class” does not pay taxes, those are reserved for the little people, including the $200,000 per year little people, that is if they are not smart enough to hire the right tax accounts and lawyers, although the average Fox News gazer is not intelligent enough to realize this.
Once again, we are presented with smoke and mirrors, with “conservatives” griping about a new round of taxes, this time supposedly on the “investment class,” as the myth dictates that Republicans are good for business and the Democrats bad. In fact, both parties, actually one party—the property party, as Gore Vidal characterizes it—service the “investment class” and their bosses, the international bankers and the ruling aristocracy behind them, a pernicious clique determined to crash to American economy, already in its death throes, as planned, and “level the playing field,” that is to say destroy America’s middle class and usher in a slave labor plantation based on China’s “economic miracle” model, that it to say corporate feudalism.
In the meantime, it is the job of Neil Cavuto and Fox News to present the illusion that “conservatives” are opposed to Hillarycare and increased taxation, yet another bit of deceptive nonsense playing on the false right-left political paradigm, as Cavuto’s boss, Rupert Murdoch, runs fundraisers for Hillary Clinton, a move “perplexing some political analysts and infuriating some liberals already suspicious of Mrs. Clinton’s centrist positioning,” according to the New York Times.
Naturally, there is no such thing as a “centrist position,” only a position favorable to the ruling elite, a coterie quite adept at using left-right political trickery to fool the easily fooled and blindsided masses, almost effortless stampeded into the voting booths by way of gimcrack slogans and less than worthless promises.
It will be interesting to see what kind of spin Murdoch’s minions put on the latest bad economic news, underscored by Henry Paulson, the US Treasury Secretary, warning “investors” to “brace themselves for a prolonged period of market turmoil,” according to the Times Online. Translation: small time investors will lose their socks as the stock market is “corrected.” Paulson said “financial turbulence” will “extract some penalty from the US economy,” that is to say the little people, the perennial victims of such “corrections,” that is to say shakedowns, will pay a high price, as usual.
As their stocks go south and hyperinflation kicks in—certainly to occur when Helicopter Ben Bernacke, current fed bank cartel mob boss, cuts interest rates—the little guy can take solace as Murdoch’s minions kick around the Democrats, even as a Democrat, proffered by Murdoch, is selected to oversee the destruction of the middle class.
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