Thursday, September 6, 2007

Money From The SuperCorridor: Already Falling Into The Elite's Hands

Superhighway a cash cow?

NASCO to collect each time RFID containers tagged
By Jerome R. Corsi

North America's SuperCorridor Coalition, Inc., or NASCO, has figured out a way to cash in on the Chinese containers passing along the NAFTA Superhighway from the Mexican ports of Manzanillo and Lazaro Cardenas to U.S. and Canadian destinations.
WND has obtained a copy of a draft preliminary joint venture contract between Savi Networks and NASCO, specifying that NASCO will get paid 25 cents for each "revenue-generating intermodal ocean cargo container" registered by the RFID sensors the communist Chinese are now installing along Interstate 35.
As WND reported, Savi Networks is a joint venture between U.S. military defense contractor Lockheed Martin and Hutchison Ports Holdings, a Chinese ports management company with close ties to the Chinese military and the communists running China's government.
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The idea is for Savi Networks and NASCO to develop an RFID-based corridor management system in which each joint venture partner ultimately will collect payments for the millions of free trade containers they are planning to channel up the I-35 NAFTA Superhighway, as well as other north-south trade corridors currently being planned in the continental United States.
Hutchison Ports Holdings already is paying billions to deepen Mexican ports such as Manzanillo and Lazaro Cardenas in anticipation of the arrival of container mega-ships capable of holding up to 12,500 containers currently being built for Chinese shipping lines.
The draft contract specifies "Savi Networks will invest capital to implement RFID network systems to provide visibility and security of containers transiting these nodes. In return, Savi Networks will share revenue with NASCO from each Savi Networks 'container transaction.'"
Chips placed in containers where manufactured goods are shipped from China will be tracked to the Mexican ports where the intermodal containers are unloaded directly onto Mexican trucks and trains for transportation on the I-35 corridor to destinations north.
As WND reported, data captured by the RFID sensors would be sent to a data collection center that NASCO has named "The Center of Excellence."
The Center of Excellence data collection center will be integrated into Lockheed Martin's militarized Global Transport Network Command and Control Center that is installed and operating at the Lockheed Martin Center for Innovation or "Lighthouse" facility in Suffolk, Va.
Lockheed Martin's GTN was developed for the U.S. Department of Defense as an electronic system used to support supply shipments and defense logistics to U.S. armed forces deployed worldwide.
GTN is operated by the U.S. Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) at Scott Air Force Base in Illinois.
The joint venture draft contract specifies Savi Networks will install the RFID sensors along I-35 to establish "a stand alone demonstration of the NASCO-SaviTrak system, able to be demonstrated to key stakeholders, customers, regulators, government funding sources, and other parties critical to the success of the project."
The NASCO website describes NAFTRACS, an acronym for the "North American Facilitation of Transportation, Trade, Reduced Congestion and Security," as a technology-based resource that will allow businesses and governments to track freight shipments moving along the NASCO SuperCorridor as defined by Interstate Highways 35, 29, 80 and 94.
According to the website, the NAFTRACS project "will allow actual freight shipments to be tracked and monitored for location and condition of freight."
NASCO clearly sees NAFTRACS as extending the Savi RFID technology into a revenue opportunity, emphasizing, "Business processes, systems architecture and data flow will comply with the World Customs Organization's (WCO) 'Framework of Standards' to further facilitate North American trade and transport."
The Federal Highway Administration website is archiving a slide show presentation by Tiffany Melvin, NASCO’s executive director, containing a discussion that identifies NAFTRACKS as a technological system designed to track containers along I-35 and links NAFTRACKS with the Savi Networks Lockheed Martin/Hutchison Ports Holdings RFID technology.
The joint venture preliminary contract identifies a goal to establish a NASCO Trade Management Corridor Systems (TCMS) with "broader deployments and command-and-control centers along the corridor."
"With the NASCO-SaviTrak system as a backbone, TCMS will be able to integrate data from other platforms, including truck/trailer, rail, and other 'visibility' networks designed to improve the efficiency and security of cargo flow and transportation asset management."
The draft contract states, "NASCO will provide marketing support, including press releases and hosting demonstrations of the NASCO-SaviTrak system."
In return, the draft contract specifies, "NASCO will provide Savi Networks the exclusive right to expand network deployment and expand the NASCO-SaviTrak system."
As joint responsibilities, the draft contract states, "Savi Networks and NASCO will jointly market NASCO-SaviTrak services to their constituents and will recruit customers who can prove the business model – a necessary precursor to subsequent phases – and enhance transportation revenue."
Further, the draft contract allows, "Savi Networks and NASCO will jointly approach governments and other financiers to attempt to obtain financing for a broader TCMS."

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