Fox Seen Biased Against Ron Paul
Thursday, September 06, 2007 - FreeMarketNews.com
News AnalysisFox News’ slogan, “We report, you decide,” was not acted upon last night at the GOP Republican debates that the Fox network televised and moderated. Among other alternative news sites and blogs, FMNN has been for months cataloguing the ways that mainstream news has responded to the classical liberal (free-market conservative) candidacy of Ron Paul (R-Tex), and last night’s showing once again revealed the bias against Ron Paul and his ideas.Thanks in part to the “war on terror,” the United States increasingly resembles old Europe in its growth of bureaucracy, managed economy and intrusive and increasingly heavy-handed government surveillance of its citizens. Ron Paul, almost alone among both Republican and Democratic candidates for president has called attention to this evolution and criticized it. His message has been embraced by many on the Internet, but has often met with silence or ridicule when it comes to mainstream media reports. Evidence of this trend could again be seen on Fox News during yesterday’s GOP debate.Two moments, especially, stand out: (1) a loaded question aimed at Ron Paul by Chris Wallace, and (2) a report by Sean Hannity insinuating that Ron Paul’s text message victory (33% of those messaging named Ron Paul the victor in the debate) was the result of “spam.”Reports from the Internet that describe these incidents:======MR. WALLACE: So, Congressman Paul, and I’d like you to take 30 seconds to answer this, you’re basically saying that we should take our marching orders from al Qaeda? If they want us off the Arabian Peninsula, we should leave?The crowd erupted. Wallace made little effort to hide his disdain for Ron Paul, but this was apparently the roundhouse punch that was supposed to knock Paul out completely. For what it’s worth, the Texas Republican responded by insisted he would take “marching orders from our Constitution,” but by that point, the other Republicans on the stage were literally laughing at Paul.http://www.thecarpetbaggerreport.com/archives/12784.html======Sean Hannity made a complete jackass out of himself, not that he wasn’t already a complete, unadulterated jackass. His unabashed disdain for Ron Paul was so blatant, I was surprised that he even shook his hand in the post debate “spin.” I was waiting for Hannity to throw a tantrum on the floor kicking and screaming when it became apparent that Dr. Paul had won [Fox’s]’ News text-message poll by a tally of 33% (Huckabee was 2nd with 18%, and McCain was 3rd with 14%, I think).Then, to top it all off, Hannity and Colmes insinuated that Ron Paul supporters had padded the text-message poll results. But like Hannity’s beating of the war drums for Iraq (and now Iran), he offered no evidence in support of his implication. After all, it was [Fox] News’ poll. (Response to Carpetbagger commentary, above.)http://www.thecarpetbaggerreport.com/archives/12784.html======Not only did Ron Paul win the Fox text poll, he also won an MSNBC debate poll by a wide margin:http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18963731/
News AnalysisFox News’ slogan, “We report, you decide,” was not acted upon last night at the GOP Republican debates that the Fox network televised and moderated. Among other alternative news sites and blogs, FMNN has been for months cataloguing the ways that mainstream news has responded to the classical liberal (free-market conservative) candidacy of Ron Paul (R-Tex), and last night’s showing once again revealed the bias against Ron Paul and his ideas.Thanks in part to the “war on terror,” the United States increasingly resembles old Europe in its growth of bureaucracy, managed economy and intrusive and increasingly heavy-handed government surveillance of its citizens. Ron Paul, almost alone among both Republican and Democratic candidates for president has called attention to this evolution and criticized it. His message has been embraced by many on the Internet, but has often met with silence or ridicule when it comes to mainstream media reports. Evidence of this trend could again be seen on Fox News during yesterday’s GOP debate.Two moments, especially, stand out: (1) a loaded question aimed at Ron Paul by Chris Wallace, and (2) a report by Sean Hannity insinuating that Ron Paul’s text message victory (33% of those messaging named Ron Paul the victor in the debate) was the result of “spam.”Reports from the Internet that describe these incidents:======MR. WALLACE: So, Congressman Paul, and I’d like you to take 30 seconds to answer this, you’re basically saying that we should take our marching orders from al Qaeda? If they want us off the Arabian Peninsula, we should leave?The crowd erupted. Wallace made little effort to hide his disdain for Ron Paul, but this was apparently the roundhouse punch that was supposed to knock Paul out completely. For what it’s worth, the Texas Republican responded by insisted he would take “marching orders from our Constitution,” but by that point, the other Republicans on the stage were literally laughing at Paul.http://www.thecarpetbaggerreport.com/archives/12784.html======Sean Hannity made a complete jackass out of himself, not that he wasn’t already a complete, unadulterated jackass. His unabashed disdain for Ron Paul was so blatant, I was surprised that he even shook his hand in the post debate “spin.” I was waiting for Hannity to throw a tantrum on the floor kicking and screaming when it became apparent that Dr. Paul had won [Fox’s]’ News text-message poll by a tally of 33% (Huckabee was 2nd with 18%, and McCain was 3rd with 14%, I think).Then, to top it all off, Hannity and Colmes insinuated that Ron Paul supporters had padded the text-message poll results. But like Hannity’s beating of the war drums for Iraq (and now Iran), he offered no evidence in support of his implication. After all, it was [Fox] News’ poll. (Response to Carpetbagger commentary, above.)http://www.thecarpetbaggerreport.com/archives/12784.html======Not only did Ron Paul win the Fox text poll, he also won an MSNBC debate poll by a wide margin:http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18963731/
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